Alice Morgan
Say hello to Alice
Here we feature a different woman in the Brow Confidence community and ask her about her first brow experiences, the lessons she’s learned, and her top brow tips.
Meet BC woman Alice Morgan, a nurse who swears by Pears soap and concealer as her must-have brow products.
Name: Alice Morgan
Age: 27
Occupation: Critical Care Emergency and Trauma Nurse
1. Tell us about your first brow grooming experience?
I have two very distinct ‘brow memories: At the tender age of 11 or 12, I asked my big sister to take me to get my lower legs waxed. After what was a traumatic, coming-of-age experience my sister gently suggested I also get my monobrow waxed. “MONOBROW,” I scolded, “as if I have one.” Judging by the pain inflicted onto that tiny surface area, did I ever! What followed was many years of waxing/plucking/you name it, I did it to my brows.
The second memory is of 13-year-old Alice and her best mate, Kate catching the train from Geelong to Melbourne to see a ‘Brow Guru’ who was in town for the weekend to have our brows shaped (not Lien, unfortunately, I did not know she existed at this point). After both saving up the steep $100 (in 2006 this was big bucks), we were in and out in 15 minutes after our brows were touched by everyone else but said guru. We sat on the train home in silence not sure whether to be excited by our ‘FABULOUS SHAPES’ or disappointed that we’d paid an exorbitant amount for nothing.
2. What is your current brow routine?
Quick tweeze, zhoosh the hairs up with the old mascara comb, Lien’s trick – a spritz of water onto Pears soap-set brows. Voila!
““Lien has given me a trusty non-fail toolkit that I can look and feel fab with little effort.”
3. What does brow confidence mean to you?
That I am some degree of put-together when I am in the scrubs, hair throw-up and functioning on the sip of coffee I managed to get in after my alarm startled me for the 1000th time in the morning. Lien has given me a trusty non-fail toolkit that I can look and feel fab with little effort.
4. How did you find out about Lien?
Oh, just my bestie ZFB passed on the deets. LOL, I wish. I came to be aware of Lien through Zoë’s Instagram and the rest is history. That was 2014 (or maybe 2013?).
““I have been re-educated about the importance of stencilling my shape with concealer and only attacking the hairs that fall outside this border.””
5. Biggest lesson you’ve taken away?
Until recently I had the security blanket of knowing I would only be a couple of weeks away from seeing Lien. But with a relocation to London on the horizon I have been re-educated about the importance of stencilling my shape with concealer and only attacking the hairs that fall outside this border. So far, it is foolproof. Check back with me in 6 months when I am flying back to Australia to see Lien rather than my family.
6. Describe your brows in three words:
Boyfriend’s response: “eyebrows, hairy, brown”. Cute, thanks, babe!
I think I’ll go with: “improving, full, exciting!”
Brow Confidence is about building a community of women that want a better future for their brows.