The right way to use a brow pencil

One of my most popular tools for styling brows is a mechanical brow pencil. But there is a right way to use a brow pencil and I have an easy technique that will help you achieve those feather-like hairstrokes.

This technique is ideal for recreating the sprout-like hairs that grow at the front of your brows. For the rest of your brows, it’s ok to shade in any gaps.

The best types of pencil for hairstrokes is a fine, automatic pencil like this one from Mecca. Triangular or crayon-like pencils work for shading but they won’t create hairstrokes.

How to use a brow pencil

1. Select a colour matching pencil - it’s better to choose a cooler shade over a warmer shade. This will create a seamless result. Don’t choose a lighter or darker shade as this will look obvious.

2. Reset the blunt pencil to its original state by scratching the tip on a piece of paper to sharpen it.

3. Angle the pencil at 45 degrees or on its edge, and flick. This will create hair-like strokes.

4. Practise on the back of your hand to ensure you’re getting the right thickness and angle.

5. Perfect your technique by drawing above your brows (in the direction of your hair). Once you feel confident with this, proceed to apply it to your brows.

Don’t forget to keep your pencil sharp!


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