Elyce Campbell
Say hello to Elyce
Here we feature a different woman in the Brow Confidence community and ask her about her first brow experiences, the lessons she’s learned, and her top brow tips.
Meet BC woman Elyce Campbell, a Social Media and Communications Director who believes her brows are her best asset.
Name: Elyce Campbell
Age: 30
Occupation: Social Media and Communications Director
1. Tell us about your first brow grooming experience?
When I was young my mum always told me to never trim or pluck my eyebrows as she plucked all of hers out when she was young and they never grew back. So I grew up with wild, thick and full brows until one day, at around 16 years old, I made a visit to a beautician just to get them tidied up but instead, she got scared and waxed them all off leaving them looking like two tiny tadpoles. I thought it was amazing that I finally had brows like everyone else my age, my mum however was not impressed.
2. What is your current brow routine?
I see Lien every few months and just pluck out the random stray hairs that grow in-between visits but I don’t trust myself to trim them as they grow really long so I leave that to Lien!
Every day I spritz water onto a Pears soap (Lien’s magic trick) then brush them up with the soapy mixture on an eyebrow brush, they stay in place all day and I don’t even need to use a powder or pencil. I love the natural soapy look.
““Brow Confidence is...no foundation, no makeup, just my brows done. My best asset.”
3. What does brow confidence mean to you?
It means walking out the door with maybe only my soap-brows done. No foundation, no makeup, just my brows done. My best asset.
4. How did you find out about Lien?
I love Zoë Foster Blake’s full and thick eyebrows so I did some stalking and found out her brow artist was Lien. At my first appointment I was so intrigued with Lien’s measuring system and the fact she used only tweezers, I also got some great life advice at the same time. I felt like a new woman walking out of Lien’s salon and knew I would never trust anyone else except her to do my brows.
““At my first appointment I was so intrigued with Lien’s measuring system and the fact she used only tweezers,””
5. Biggest lesson you’ve taken away?
I always thought because I had wild, thick and Cara Delevingne-style brows that I didn’t need any maintenance as I was always receiving comments and compliments from people like “wow your brows, they’re so…BIG!”. That is, until I saw Lien who made me realise after an appointment with her I would still have my full brows only in a more feminine, maintained way that I now embrace and love.
6. Describe your brows in three words:
Feminine, full, natural.
Brow Confidence is about building a community of women that want a better future for their brows.