Brow Confidence community thrives on friendship, honesty, and inclusivity. It’s all about building genuine connections through a shared passion for womanhood, beauty and brows.
Read about other women who share your passion for brows, and discover valuable tips on how to care for your brows at home.
Learn from a member of the Brow Confidence community as she shares her brow journey, routine, and tips she’s learned along the way.
Want to know how to make the most of your brows at home? Here are some tips and tricks I swear by.
When I find a product I love, I want to share it. Here, you’ll find my favourite brow products, makeup, and tools.
Danielle Blanco
Meet Danielle Blanco, an Administrator who enjoys her low brow maintenance routine.
Gemma Williams
Meet Gemma Williams, a stylist who likes her brows full, soft and a bit fierce.
Anna Carlton
Meet Anna Carlton, a young consultant with great brows (looked after by Lien) since high school.
Jess Stone
Meet Jess Stone, a TV Coordinator who feels ‘put together’ thanks to her beautiful brows.
Karinda Van Gulick
Meet Karinda Van Gulick, a teacher who feels confident without makeup as long as her brows are groomed.