Kasi Talbot

Say hello to Kasi

Here we feature a different woman in the Brow Confidence community and ask her about her first brow experiences, the lessons she’s learned, and her top brow tips.

Meet BC woman Kasi Talbot, who transformed her "Spice Girls” brows into beautifully well-groomed ones.

Name: Kasi Talbot
Age: 35
Occupation: Communications & PR

1. Tell us about your first brow grooming experience?

My little blonde brows have been through many phases in their life. I began tweezing in high school and fell victim to the noughties thin brow trend thanks to the Spice Girls. Over the years I’ve waxed, tinted, and tweezed myself into varying states.

Around the time I turned 30 I felt the shape of my brows was making me look older than I was, so I sought out a pro and have not looked back since finding Lien. I see her every eight weeks or so to correct my shape and I always look forward to seeing her.

2. What is your current brow routine?

If I could only do one thing in my beauty routine each day it would be my brows. Lien has taught me a variety of ways to keep them full and styled, whether it’s for a low-key weekend, work, or a wedding.

On a regular work day, I brush them up with a spoolie and then use Laura Mercier Brow Pomade to fill any gaps. I use a thin art brush Lien showed me to ensure the application is light and precise and not overly “coloured in”. I then brush it through again with a spoolie and tidy up using concealer to make them neater. This is so much better than loading more product to get a defined look.

Sometimes I’ll finish with a brow gel like Glossier Boy Brow to keep them in place. I also tint my brows at home every 3-4 weeks. I can dial this routine up or down depending on the occasion.

“Lien approaches brows with a mix of art and science and her attention to detail is exceptional.”

3. What does brow confidence mean to you?

Having an anatomically correct brow shape for your face that lifts and frames in the right places. My face and the way my makeup looked changed a lot once I had the correct brow line set by Lien, and it’s given me more confidence in my look.

Lien also gave me the confidence to do my own wedding makeup, and I love her openness to share her advice, whether it be about beauty or life!

4. How did you find out about Lien?

I saw her referenced as the “Brow Witch” on Instagram and reached out. She worked her magic from the first appointment, measuring my face and brows and correcting things I hadn’t even realised – like one brow being half a centimetre higher than the other. She was clear on what I needed to do over time to make them right and gave me advice on how to manage this myself.

Lien approaches brows with a mix of art and science and her attention to detail is exceptional. She doesn’t follow trends or fads, her method is focused on facial anatomy and your own level of willingness to commit to the shape she creates. Don’t go to Lien if you want a quick brow makeover or the latest trend, she’ll be upfront with you that’s not her philosophy.

“My face and the way my makeup looked changed a lot once I had the correct brow line set by Lien, and it’s given me more confidence in my look.”

5. Biggest lesson you’ve taken away?

Trimming them has really changed the overall shape and fullness of my brows. While I sometimes give it a go myself I’ve learned the other key lesson is that I should not ever touch them and leave it up to Lien!

6. Describe your brows in three words:

Well-groomed, classic, appropriate.


Brow Confidence is about building a community of women that want a better future for their brows.


Karen Chen


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